MBA Media Management

MBA in Media Management

MCNY’s accredited MBA in Media Management is the only one-year, fully accredited, accelerated program of its kind in the U.S. with a 10-day intensive international study abroad component and media business focused curriculum. Scholarships and financial aid are available for those who qualify.


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Why MCNY’s MBA in Media Management?

The cross-disciplinary approach taught in Media Management courses provides graduates with bedrock business skills and the latest unique skill sets in media; including content creation, DRM, digital marketing and promotions, as well as analytics, brand management, and the latest trends in mobile media, analytics, SEO, and event planning, AI, VR, AR, Machine Learning, Media Blockchain, Influencer strategies and managerial problem-solving, making them attractive candidates for companies seeking original thinkers with a rich and varied background in culture and the arts.

Metropolitan College of New York is a proud member of the Yellow Ribbon Program, and has been recognized as a Military Friendly School for more than 5 years in a row.

The MCNY Alumni Activity at Metropolitan College of New York has great potential. One of the main reasons for advancing education is the increase of contacts and network in order to advance your career and personal goals. I connect on a regular basis with alumni, staff and faculty at MCNY to update them on what is happening with my various media ventures. I’ve had the pleasure of maintaining a majority of the relationships with my graduating class and we’ve continued to work with each other on several business projects. I recently had five alumni serve as event managers at my last media summit serving young girls and their families. That’s the way to do it!
Desi K. Robinson, MBA

What You Will Learn

MCNY’s MBA in Media Management is designed to give you the business skills, management tools and experience to be at the forefront of emerging media trends, navigate industry challenges and successfully lead media companies into the future—with moral integrity and a commitment to social justice.